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Strategic Planning

Westminster School District (WSD) has launched a strategic planning process that will result in the development of a new 2023-2029 Strategic Plan, a coherent roadmap to guide the district in achieving its agreed upon goals and objectives.  This exciting 2-day strategic visioning process provided an opportunity for the school district to:

  • Strategically and proactively address changes in the PreK-8 public education arena;
    Identify and address strengths and opportunities to enhance the WSD educational distinctiveness and competitive advantage; 
  • Direct resources and efforts toward a clearly defined vision and mission grounded in core values to promote organizational success; and
  • Discuss and design strategies, innovative programs and systems change which leverage WSD unique attributes relative to PreK-8 schools.

  STRATEGIC PLAN | 2023   

Please follow our social media and website to receive updates on the process of the Strategic Plan and how you can provide input.  The Strategic Visioning Committee will be providing periodic updates.