The safety and security of our students and staff is our number one priority. It is imperative that we are vigilant and prepare as best as possible for the unexpected. Here are some of the safety plans and procedures that we have in place:
- A dedicated full-time School Resource Officer (SRO) who visits all our campuses weekly and actively participates in special events.
- All visitors are required to check-in at all school sites and are screened against a sexual predator database via the Raptor Visitor Management System.
- All of our schools are closed campuses with appropriate video surveillance, fencing and lighting.
- All schools have comprehensive School Safety Plans that are reviewed every year to ensure student safety.
- Each campus has a Crisis Response Plan that addresses school emergencies.
- Emergency procedures, lockdowns, shelter-in-place and safety drills are practiced on a regular basis.
- A comprehensive Threat and Physical Security Assessment (TaPS) was conducted at every site in our District in the summer of 2018.
- Active Shooter Training for staff has been provided through the Westminster Police Department at all school sites and the District Office.
- Policies on behavior, weapons, and dress code are strictly enforced.
- On-site mental and behavioral health services are provided by school psychologists, counselors, a student support intervention specialist and school resource officer.
- Our schools have a variety of intervention programs that address students with emotional, academic, and/or social problems.
- The BRAVE Program, which promotes personal safety and resilience skills, has been implemented at every school. Conflict Resolution Programs and Peer Assistance Leadership (PAL) Programs are also offered.
- We have systems in place to communicate quickly in case of an emergency, such as our automated phone message system, website, email and social media.
- WSD has outstanding relationships with all law enforcement agencies that serve our attendance areas as well as Orange County Fire Authority.
- A School Safety Task Force comprised of parents, teachers, staff, administrators and law enforcement was created in 2018. The purpose of the Task Force is to continuously assess, evaluate and improve safety in our schools.
The partnership and support that we have with our local law enforcement and school community is critical and we train parents, students and staff on our campuses to report any unusual or suspicious activity. If you see something, say something. It is the best deterrent to potentially harmful situations.
The District greatly appreciates your continued support in creating a safe learning environment for our students.
School Resource Officer, Steven Vo and Westminster Police Officer joined Eastwood Elementary students during their kickball game.