Board Goals
WSD Vision and Mission
Our Vision:
Leading the way as the premier Pre K-8th grade school district in Orange County, CA by providing exceptional and innovative experiences where all learners thrive.
Our Mission:
It is our collective responsibility to educate and empower all students to pursue excellence through a distinctive, rigorous, and engaging academic experience.
WSD Core Values
Ignite: We challenge and inspire all students to reach their highest level of achievement in order to thrive as confident, future-ready learners.
Connect: We engage across diverse communities by advancing educational opportunities to ensure student success.
Create: We foster a dynamic learning community that celebrates innovation and inspires intellectual curiosity.
Trust: We earn the confidence of the educational community and partner through accountability, transparency, and authenticity.
Elevate: We relentlessly pursue a growth-minded culture of excellence, perseverance, and self-discipline.
Model: We model servant leadership by supporting each other to create organizational health and inspiring excellence.